Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I Miss Blogging

So once again I owe you all an apology. Despite my best efforts I didn't get a chance to blog at all in March...BUT I am turning a corner and I promise you all a plethora of new and interesting things.

February and March were absoutly crazy for me and my family and among other things, my husband recieved a huge promotion, we moved 5 hours away, and we purchased our first home! Phew, it's been a crazy, busy and emotional time for us. I am now in reno mode and have started my first project, the basement family room. I plan on redoing every room in the house, so be sure to look for the before and after pictures.

So that's all I have for now, and I am off to bed to rest up for another long day of painting!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bad Blogger

So I know that I have been a bad blogger and neglecting my blog terribly. I have been very very sick lately and just not feeling up to it.
BUT, I have come to make amends..........

Good for a laugh
Do's And Don'ts With Babies

*Disclaimer, if you are incredibly stuck up or have no sense of humour, don't even bother clicking on the link. And before you blast me about how "terrible" and "irresponsible" the cartoons are, they are meant to not be taken seriously and to be funny! Or at least I think that they are ;) ........