Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Cupcake Girl

Have I mentioned that I LOVE to make cupcakes? I love making them, I love thinking of different flavors, I love decorating them pretty, and most of all I LOVE eating them!

So I have decided to parlay my love of cupcakes with my love of money and started up The Cupcake Girl, selling fresh custom cupcakes locally.

Of course any home based business needs a great website. Now, I am lucky that I can even figure out this blog (and I only really understand about 20% of it!) So I must say that I am wicked proud of my little website....it's simple but it's cute!

Head on over, check it out and let me know what you think! Good or Bad

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Baby Food Genius

Earlier this week I devoted a whole afternoon to making baby food. I have several reasons why I made my own homemade baby food, but it really comes down to the fact that I am incredibly cheap and it pains me to pay for something when I can make it myself for less money. I thought that I would share with you all how much more affordable it is to make your own baby food.
One serving size is the size of a large ice cube.

Carrots- $3.50 made 10 servings= $.35 a serving

Peas- $2.00 made 6 servings= $.33 a serving

Avocado- $3.87 made 7 servings= $.55 a serving

Beef- $2.90 made 8 servings= $.36 a serving

Peaches- $2.76 made 7 servings= $.39 a serving

Potatoes- $.79 made 11 servings= $.07 a serving

I was really surprised by that last one, but 5 lbs of potatoes are $3.99 and I used a pound (prolly even a little less) so my math works out after all!

Featured Blog

Well, the baby is in bed so I guess that it's time to blog! Lately I have been reading alot of blogs. Most of the blogs that I follow involve cooking, crafting or getting free stuff! I really enjoy reading these blogs, so I thought that I would start featuring one blog a month. So, this month I have decided to feature the blog of a good friend of mine.

Going Green In 2010, The 365 Day Challenge follows my friend Nicole's journey to become more eco friendly in 2010 by making one green change everyday. She has lots of fantastic ideas for how to be a little bit nicer to the environment. I have been following this blog since the beginning and it has definitely made me think about my own impact on the environment.

I hope that everyone enjoys reading this blog as much as I do!