Saturday, September 25, 2010

Design Dilemma!

Now that fall is pretty much here, there are so many things to look forward to...... drinking baileys and hot chocolate on cool nights, eating root vegetables, and fowl suppers...just to name a few. Fall also marks the beginning of the craft show season! I already have 4 local craft/trade shows on my plate, and I am looking for more! Unfortunately, I have a little "design dilemma"..... This year I really want to make my booth look professional, pretty and functional. However, I have no clue how to display all my headbands and bows in a professional way! I have been googling for days and nothing has inspired me. So I thought that I would turn the problem over to all the crafty people who follow the blog.

So, If you have ever attended a craft/trade show would you be so kind as to tell me how you made your display and maybe even send me a pic? I need some great inspiration ideas that are girly, functional, and pretty!


  1. I haven't made a display but was just at a baby fair today and a lady was selling kids/baby headbands and clippies and she had one of those big poster board things that kids use to make presentations at science fairs/school....(one of these.....,2915&webid=922528&affixedcode=WW )and she'd covered it in black fabric and had coloured ribbon hanging down from top to bottom and had the clippies clipped onto it and little hooks for the headbands.... she had 2 of them......not sure what you've been using and not sure if that's what you're after but....

  2. That is an excellent idea! It sounds pretty easy to do too....Thanks!
