Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Poutine Poisoning

Yes, you did read the title right....I was poisoned by a poutine, or to be more exact, the bad cheese on the poutine. Hence the reason I did not post anything new last night, but then again I have a feeling that I am the only one reading these posts anyway! So needless to say, due to my extremely upset stomach yesterday I did not tackle my basement, but I did manage to feel good enough to go shopping! I ventured out to the fabric store to scour the bargain corner for some fabric for the new pillows for my couch. I ended up finding the perfect cloth, but found out that I was a very bad mother in the process. After finding the more perfect shades of green and red, I was so excited that I hurried to the cutting table with the aformentioned bolts. It wasn't until the lady was cutting my fabric that I remembered that I left my daughter in her stroller back in the bargain corner! It was only about 5 feet away and it was less than 3 mins before I realized it, but I still felt terrible. To tell the truth, when I got into my car I cried because I felt so bad about it.

On the way back home, I thought that I would swing into the WalMart to see if I could find a slipcover for my 2nd couch in the living room (which is now delightfully must free thanks to 2 cans of lysol and a carton of baking soda) I ended up finding a camel colored slipcover for only $29.00! Unfourtunatly, it ended up taking me 15 mins to pay for my find. The price kept scanning wrong and they had to get about 5 different people to verify it. Once everything was sorted out I paid for my purchases and headed out, only to be chased down by the cashier. She let me know that I had left all my bags sitting at the register.....I looked down shamefully into my empty cart and then went to get my stuff.

I blame it all on the poutine poisoning


  1. Darn that poutine poisoning! ;) Sounds like something I'd do- I tend to forget my brain at home when I go out!

    Hope you're feeling better!

  2. I have NEVER done that... *blushing* I think every mom has!
